Terms and Conditions

This document contains all of Academia's terms and conditions. Please read the document carefully. You are required to agree to all our terms and conditions before joining our learning adventure.
1. General
1.1. This agreement is made between Academia Pte. Ltd. (UEN: 201327901G), a company registered in Singapore with registered address at 6 Sin Ming Road, #01-15 Sin Ming Plaza, Singapore 575585 (“Academia”) and yourself, (the undersigned parent/guardian of the student(s) (“Student”) stated below).
1.2. All English language classes are run by Academia’s wholly owned school, Academia Education Centre.
1.3. Unless the context otherwise requires, words denoting the singular number only shall include the plural and vice versa.
2. Fees
2.1. A registration fee of ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE DOLLARS (S$105) applies to new Students.
2.2. In addition, Academia will levy a reasonable fee for its products and services. All fees will be set out on Academia’s invoices.
2.3. All fees for a course of any description for a term are to be paid in full by the FIRST (1st) class for that course to be attended by the Student in that term.
2.4. Invoices will be sent to you at the email address you provided or by hand to you.
2.5. In the event that Academia is required to charge goods and services tax (“GST”), fees will be exclusive of GST.
2.6. No reminder letters for amounts outstanding will be given by Academia.
2.7. Fees are payable on a termly basis throughout the year, inclusive of school vacation periods and public holidays. The school will have a corresponding school closure for all public holidays as stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower.
2.8. Academia reserves the right to alter its fees from time to time. Such alterations will be communicated to parents prior to the fees taking effect.
3. Acceptance
3.1. Acceptance of a Student for classes is at Academia’s discretion. The Student must satisfy Academia by demonstrating that his or her level of work and behaviour comport with the standards laid out by Academia.
3.2. If the Student is unable to attend the first lesson of the class assigned, you must inform Academia via email and fees must be paid in full in order to secure the vacancy. Failure to do so will result in the vacancy being given to another Student.
3.3. Academia reserves the right to decline to serve any clients (including potential clients) who do not engage in a mutually respectful relationship with our teachers and staff.
4. Refund and Cancellation Policy
4.1. Academia will refund you all fees paid for a course indicated on an invoice (except for a vacancy cancellation fee of $100, which will be retained by Academia) if:
4.1.1. you notify Academia in writing that you wish to cancel or withdraw the Student from the course set out on Academia’s invoice; and
4.1.2. the Student has not attended any classes indicated in the course set out in the said invoice.
4.2. Except as set out in Clause 4.1, all fees of any description (including tuition fees, registration fees, and late payment fees) paid or payable are otherwise non-cancellable and non-refundable. For the avoidance of doubt, Academia’s policy shall apply in all cases, including in cases where:
4.2.1. the Student misses any class, or does not attend any replacement lesson (“RLs”); or
4.2.2. the Student withdraws from the course having attended at least one class in that course.
5. Replacement Lessons "RLs" and Lessons Missed
5.1. In line with standard industry practices, RLs for classes missed due to personal, medical or any other reasons are solely at the discretion of Academia and cannot be guaranteed.
5.2. Should the Student be unable to attend any lesson for any reason whatsoever, the teacher will provide the worksheets for the lesson missed.
5.3. Academia does not guarantee RLs for public holidays. Any RLs scheduled will solely be at the discretion of Academia. Worksheets for lessons that fall on a public holiday will be provided in the next lesson.
6. Class Policies
6.1. Academia reserves the right to transfer the Student from one class to another at its discretion.
6.2. Academia reserves the right to dissolve a class or change the teacher assigned to teach a class at its discretion.
6.3. To provide the best learning experience for our students, at no time are adults other than the school’s staff allowed into the classroom and/or to observe a lesson, while a lesson is in progress.
6.4. To safeguard the interests of our valued students, no trial lessons will be entertained under any circumstances as it is disruptive for our regular students.
6.5. For the avoidance of doubt, Academia reserves full discretion with regards class formats (including but not limited to class sizes, and the conduct of classes through “face-to-face” means or by way of remote teaching methods).
7. Termination and suspension
7.1. Academia reserves the right to require the exclusion, permanent or temporary, of a Student at such time, whether immediate or subsequent, as the school’s interest demands. Without limitation, Academia reserves the right to permanently or temporarily exclude a Student from classes at its discretion:
7.1.1. for inappropriate behaviour in class such as harassment of other students or the teacher, use of profane or vulgar language, and/or failure to complete homework or class assignments;
7.1.2. should the Student otherwise demonstrate behaviour that Academia deems to be inappropriate or disruptive to the learning environment; or
7.1.3. where Academia otherwise deems it reasonably necessary to safeguard the health, safety, welfare, and security of its clients, students, and staff (for example, in the case of a hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) outbreak).
7.2. Either party may terminate this agreement at the end of a term, by giving either party written notice prior to the end of that term.
7.3. Academia reserves the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect at its discretion:
7.3.1. if you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement by the due date for payment;
7.3.2. should any member of staff, other students, or clients be intimidated or abused, physically or verbally, by the student or any other party acting on behalf of the Student;
7.3.3. if the Student or any other party acting on behalf of the Student does not engage in a mutually respectful relationship with our teachers, staff, students, or other clients;
7.3.4. where Academia otherwise deems it reasonably necessary to safeguard the health, safety, welfare, and security of its clients, students, and staff; or
7.3.5. If Academia reasonably believes that you have breached clauses 10 or 11.
7.4. The termination or expiry of this agreement howsoever arising shall not affect each party’s rights and obligations under clauses 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14.
8. Communication
8.1. As our teachers prioritise the care and instruction of our Students, and owing to the extremely high volume of work done at Academia, there are no designated parent-teacher meetings. You may initiate contact with a teacher through the front desk.
8.2. While our teachers are generally happy to answer any questions and queries you may have, please kindly note that they are not obliged to mark work, check work or answer questions about work that is not issued by the school.
8.3. As we want to create a positive environment for our teachers and staff in order to serve our valued clients better, Academia will not respond to inappropriate communication that Academia at its discretion considers to be hostile, aggressive, too frequent, harassing, or excessively negative.
9. Publicity
9.1. You agree that Academia may use details of the Student’s achievements for promotional purposes in any case so long as the Student is not identifiable from the promotional material. In addition, Academia may use the personal details of the Student for promotional purposes in accordance with Clause 13.2.
10. Intellectual Property
10.1. All intellectual property (including copyrights and trademarks) in the curriculum, documents, pictures, and/or other materials (“Educational Material”) distributed to you or the Student is either intellectual property owned by Academia or third parties.
10.2. You give permission by Academia to use work produced by the Student (whether in whole or in part) for Academia’s courses.
10.3. Academia grants you and the Student a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to make personal, non-commercial, and educational use of its Educational Material. You shall not (and shall also use your best efforts to ensure that the Student does not), reproduce, publish, perform, communicate, adapt, or reproduce, publish, perform or communicate an adaptation of, Academia’s Educational Material, without Academia’s prior written consent.
10.4. You agree and acknowledge that damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for a breach of this clause and that Academia shall be entitled to seek the remedies of injunction, specific performance and other relief for any threatened or actual breach of this clause.
11. Confidentiality and Non-Competition
11.1. Unless Academia has given prior written consent, you shall use your best endeavours to prevent disclosure of Academia’s confidential information and trade secrets, including but not limited to, the Educational Material whether in hard or soft copy form, know-how relating to the business of Academia, and any of Academia’s business and customer contact information.
11.2. During this agreement, you shall not either on your own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person directly or indirectly carry on or be engaged, concerned or interested in any business competing with Academia.
12. Full Disclosure
12.1. You will provide Academia with full disclosure pertaining to the Student’s health and medical history, as well as any learning disabilities or limitations.
13. Indemnity
13.1. Academia will not bear any liability for any loss of property or personal injury during classes and/or within the school premises.
13.2. Nothing in this agreement shall limit or exclude Academia’s liability for death or personal injury caused by Academia’s negligence, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for Academia to exclude or restrict liability.
14. Privacy Policy
14.1. You consent for and on behalf of yourself and on behalf of the Student, to Academia’s collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data and the Student’s personal data for the following purposes:
14.1.1. providing educational products and services to Academia’s students;
14.1.2. research and development into Academia’s products and services;
14.1.3. publicity material for events organised by Academia;
14.1.4. taking any lawful steps Academia considers reasonably necessary to safeguard the health, safety, welfare, and security of its clients, students, and staff in the course of providing educational products and services to its students;
14.1.5. managing and administering Academia’s business operations generally; and
14.1.6. providing information about Academia’s educational products and services.